Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Global Financial Crisis and the Optimal Period to Refresh Your PCs

With the current global financial crisis, many countries’ economies are depressed, and international trade and business volumes have reduced significantly in most industries.

The effect on desktop and laptop computer ownership and usage by companies and corporations is immediately to adopt an approach to prolong the equipment’s lifespan. While this is the normal course to take, owners need to be aware that prolonging the lifespan beyond ‘x’ number of years actually increases the total cost of ownership (TCO) of maintaining those desktop and laptop computers -- yes, the Law of Diminishing Returns also applies to extended ownership -- the longer you maintain old systems, its TCO increases.

So, this question, “When is the best time to refresh or replace the computers?” would probably be on your mind now.

This link will take you to an interesting article and whitepaper arguing that, “…for most firms, the optimal PC refresh lifecycle for both laptop and desktop PCs is three years.”

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